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Investment Update

January 2024

So what does 2024 look like from an investment perspective? There is hope in the markets that the period of high inflation may begin to ease through the year, though that is tempered somewhat by new and continuing geopolitical tensions.

What we can be certain of is that the focus for 2024 is very much centred on economics and politics and our insights publication focuses on the potential impact on investing whilst summarising our current thinking for the coming year.

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Investment Update

July 2023

It has not been easy for investors post Covid and the Ukraine war, and that applies to experienced and new investors alike (irrespective of whether someone is cautious or more adventurous in their risk tolerance). In this update, I have covered a number of areas that I hope you find both interesting and informative.

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Investment Update

December 2022

With the end of the year rapidly approaching I hope you’re all feeling festive. I feel we’ve all earned a celebration after the twists and turns of 2022. And so let us look back at this most memorable of years and look forward to 2023 in our December investment update.

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Investment Update

May 2022

Not so good news both in terms of market conditions, inflationary concerns and the ongoing troubles in Eastern Europe volatility continues to dominate with global markets continuing to display weakness in recent weeks. Read more to learn about the impact this has had on investments.

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Investment Update

March 2022

We are sure many of you have been following the news on the hourly developments in Ukraine. The sheer bravery of the Ukrainian people and army standing up to the Russian military might is an exceptional example of the power of democracy and unity. Read more for an investment update.

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Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

February 2022

It will come as no surprise that the geopolitical tensions have intensified to the point which has now led to an invasion of an independent Sovereign European state. Read more about how this has impacted investments.

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Stepping Stones

Autumn 2021


Our post pandemic outlook and how this has impacted global markets

Other key factors that are dominating the headlines including the energy crisis

Our performance of our themes

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Spring 2021


A look back on the changes we made due to Covid-19

The latest on our themes (healthcare innovation to sustainability)

A summary of the positive change economies (PCEs) within our impact review

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Shifting Sands

Winter 2020


An in depth look into technological advancements and their investment opportunities

The recent UK values and opportunities

Property funds update

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Adapting Revolution

Autumn 2020


A keynote about the introduction of next generation technologies and whether or not they will have a positive impact

Covid crash chart (absolute fixed income vs. gilt funds)

A discussion of  macro investment strategies

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